When it rains in Cancun is it cold?

When planning a trip to Cancun, one may wonder what the weather will be like during the rainy season. One common misconception is that when it rains in Cancun, it gets cold. In this article, we will explore the truth behind this myth and provide valuable information about the weather patterns, benefits, and tips for enjoying Cancun during the rainy season.

Index of contents
  1. Weather Patterns in Cancun
  2. Understanding Rainy Season in Cancun
  3. Dispelling the Cold Weather Myth
  4. Benefits of Visiting Cancun During Rainy Season
  5. What to Wear and Pack for Rainy Weather in Cancun
  6. Tips for Enjoying Cancun's Rainy Season
  7. Conclusion
  8. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. 1. Does it get cold when it rains in Cancun?
    2. 2. What is the average temperature during rainy season in Cancun?
    3. 3. How long does the rainy season last in Cancun?
    4. 4. What activities can be done in Cancun when it's raining?

Weather Patterns in Cancun

Cancun, located in the southeastern part of Mexico, experiences a tropical climate. The region is known for its warm temperatures, with an average annual temperature of 27°C (80.6°F). The weather in Cancun is divided into two main seasons: the dry season and the rainy season.

Understanding Rainy Season in Cancun

The rainy season in Cancun typically occurs from June to November. During this time, the region experiences higher levels of rainfall compared to other months. However, it is important to note that while the frequency of rain increases, the temperatures do not necessarily drop significantly.

Dispelling the Cold Weather Myth

Contrary to popular belief, when it rains in Cancun, it does not get cold. The average temperature during the rainy season ranges from 24°C to 30°C (75.2°F to 86°F), providing a pleasant and warm environment for tourists. So, you can still enjoy the beautiful beaches, outdoor activities, and the vibrant nightlife without worrying about chilly temperatures.

Benefits of Visiting Cancun During Rainy Season

Visiting Cancun during the rainy season has its own unique advantages. One of the main benefits is the decrease in tourist crowds. As many people prefer to visit during the dry season, you can enjoy a more peaceful and serene vacation experience. Additionally, the lush greenery and vibrant landscapes that emerge after the rain offer a picturesque backdrop for exploring the natural wonders of Cancun.

What to Wear and Pack for Rainy Weather in Cancun

When packing for Cancun during the rainy season, it is essential to be prepared for the occasional showers. It is advisable to bring lightweight and quick-drying clothing, such as shorts, t-shirts, and sundresses. Additionally, packing a waterproof jacket or poncho can come in handy during unexpected rain showers. Don't forget to bring sunscreen and insect repellent to protect your skin from the sun and mosquitoes.

Tips for Enjoying Cancun's Rainy Season

  • Embrace the rain: Instead of letting the rain dampen your spirits, embrace it and explore indoor activities such as visiting museums, shopping malls, or trying out local cuisine.
  • Plan outdoor activities strategically: If you have outdoor activities planned, check the weather forecast and try to schedule them during periods of lighter rain or plan for indoor alternatives.
  • Take advantage of hotel amenities: Cancun's resorts offer various amenities such as spas, gyms, and indoor pools, allowing you to relax and enjoy your vacation even during rainy days.


Next time you hear someone say it gets cold when it rains in Cancun, you can confidently debunk this myth. The rainy season in Cancun provides a warm and enjoyable atmosphere for tourists, with plenty of opportunities to explore and experience the beauty of this tropical paradise. So, don't let the rain deter you from planning your dream vacation to Cancun!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does it get cold when it rains in Cancun?

No, it does not get cold when it rains in Cancun. The average temperature during the rainy season ranges from 24°C to 30°C (75.2°F to 86°F), providing a warm and pleasant environment.

2. What is the average temperature during rainy season in Cancun?

The average temperature during the rainy season in Cancun ranges from 24°C to 30°C (75.2°F to 86°F).

3. How long does the rainy season last in Cancun?

The rainy season in Cancun typically lasts from June to November.

4. What activities can be done in Cancun when it's raining?

There are plenty of activities to enjoy in Cancun when it's raining. Some options include visiting museums, shopping malls, indulging in local cuisine, or taking advantage of the amenities offered by your hotel or resort.

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