What is the hottest month in Puerto Vallarta?

Planning a trip to Puerto Vallarta? Wondering when is the best time to visit? One important factor to consider is the temperature. In this article, we will uncover the hottest month in Puerto Vallarta, providing you with valuable insights to help you plan your trip accordingly.

Index of contents
  1. Climate in Puerto Vallarta
  2. Factors Affecting Temperature
  3. Historical Weather Data
  4. Analysis of Temperature Patterns
  5. Findings: Identifying the Hottest Month
  6. Tips for Surviving the Heat
  7. Conclusion
  8. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. 1. What is the average temperature in Puerto Vallarta?
    2. 2. Is it possible to visit Puerto Vallarta during the hottest month?
    3. 3. What activities are recommended during the hottest month?
    4. 4. Are there any discounts or special offers during the hottest month?

Climate in Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta, located on the western coast of Mexico, boasts a tropical climate. The city experiences two main seasons: the dry season and the wet season. The dry season, which runs from November to May, is characterized by warm temperatures and minimal rainfall. On the other hand, the wet season, from June to October, brings higher humidity levels and increased rainfall.

Factors Affecting Temperature

Several factors influence the temperature in Puerto Vallarta, including proximity to the equator, ocean currents, and local topography. The city's position near the Tropic of Cancer ensures consistent warmth throughout the year. Additionally, the cooling effect of ocean currents moderates the temperature, preventing extreme heat.

Historical Weather Data

Examining historical weather data is crucial in identifying temperature patterns. The average monthly temperature throughout the year in Puerto Vallarta ranges from 70°F (21°C) to 90°F (32°C). However, there is one month that stands out as the hottest.

Analysis of Temperature Patterns

By analyzing the historical weather data, we can observe a gradual increase in temperature from January to April, followed by a slight decrease in May. The months of June, July, and August experience the highest temperatures, with a peak in July.

Findings: Identifying the Hottest Month

Based on the analysis, the hottest month in Puerto Vallarta is July. During this time, temperatures can soar up to 95°F (35°C) or even higher. It is important to note that humidity levels also rise, making it feel even hotter. If you are planning a visit during this month, be prepared for intense heat.

Tips for Surviving the Heat

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Wear lightweight and breathable clothing.
  • Apply sunscreen regularly to protect your skin from the strong sun rays.
  • Take breaks in shaded areas or air-conditioned spaces.
  • Avoid excessive outdoor activities during the peak heat hours of the day.


Puerto Vallarta experiences a tropical climate with hot temperatures all year round. However, the hottest month is undoubtedly July. By being aware of this peak of tropical heat, you can plan your visit accordingly and take necessary precautions to stay comfortable and safe during your trip.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the average temperature in Puerto Vallarta?

The average temperature in Puerto Vallarta ranges from 70°F (21°C) to 90°F (32°C) throughout the year.

2. Is it possible to visit Puerto Vallarta during the hottest month?

Yes, it is possible to visit Puerto Vallarta during the hottest month of July. However, it is important to take precautions to protect yourself from the intense heat.

During the hottest month, it is advisable to engage in water-based activities such as swimming, snorkeling, or enjoying the beach. You can also explore indoor attractions or take part in evening activities when the temperatures are relatively cooler.

4. Are there any discounts or special offers during the hottest month?

Many hotels and resorts in Puerto Vallarta offer special deals and discounts during the low season, which includes the hottest month. It is worth checking with accommodations and travel agencies for any available offers.

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